YouTube comes to TV

I have long wished there was some easy way to watch YouTube on TV at home. I just don't have time to waste at work looking at clips people send me, and I rarely feel like spending more time in front of the computer in the evenings. But there is a lot of interesting stuff on YouTube, ranging from current political clips and commentary to how-to videos and of course, some pretty funny stuff. And no annoying commercials (yet).

Yes, you can wire up a laptop or desktop computer to your TV, but it is a lot of bother and then you have to sit there fiddling with a mouse and a keyboard while trying to Web surf from the couch.

Apple has entered into a deal with YouTube that allows AppleTV owners to access YouTube clips easily from the couch, using the AppleTV remote. Now that's what we easy to way to watch YouTube using only the "clicker." Apple is right on track with AppleTV, steadily adding value to the box by making it dead simple to marry video content and the computer. This is the same game plan they used with the iPod. Prior to the iPod, you could get your music onto an MP3 portable music player, but it was clumsy and obtuse. The combination of the iPod and iTunes changed all that. Apple is headed for another home run with AppleTV.

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