Save the Internet

A distinguished group of technology leaders has begun a Save the Internet campaign, which is intended to provide information to legislators on the network neutrality issue.

Many of the incumbent broadband providers want to start charging differential fees for access to their broadband networks. The effect will be to squeeze much of the innovation and opportunity out of the Internet, leaving only deep pocket companies that can afford to pay the tolls--and that is all they really are.

It's as if our entire Interstate Highway System, formerly free, suddenly had tollbooths at every exit. It would not be good for the economy. And a two tier Internet won't be good for the economy or for communities.

Communities need a stake in the ownership of the Internet; nothing less than their economic future is at stake. If the toll access to the Internet is too high in your community (think rural), companies won't relocate to rural areas. And that means no jobs.

There is ample precedent for communities to take on partial ownership of telecom infrastructure; done correctly, private telecom providers can make even more money, but on a level playing field that is managed for the common good.

Having trouble understanding the issues around network neutrality? Here is a short video that explains it very clearly.

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