Memory Lane: Old computer ads

This site has collected a set of old computer ads from the late seventies and early eighties. Some of the goodies include:

  • A 20 Mhz 80386 PC that sells for a low, low, low $8,499.
  • A modem the size of a toaster oven.
  • A 15 meg (yes, meg, not gig) hard drive for $2,495 and a 10 meg hard drive for $3,495.
  • An ad for the venerable Heathkit H8 with 4K of memory; a real bargain for $1244.50!
  • Good for a chuckle, and an indication of how far the computer business has come in 25 years. The $199 iPod Touch is more powerful than the multi-million dollar mainframes of the seventies.

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