Seventy five cent gasoline

How about gasoline for seventy-five cents a gallon? Sound far-fetched? Not according to this article on plug in electric cars. The article states that the cost of recharging the battery of an electric vehicle using the electricity coming from the socket in the wall of your garage would be economical--equating to buying gas for seventy-five cents a gallon.

And that's the appeal of rechargeable electric cars. It is far more efficient, even with transmission costs, to make electricity at a central location than to burn gasoline on the hoof, so to speak, just to go to the grocery store or to work in the morning. An there are huge added benefits in terms of less pollution, cleaner air, and less groundwater contamination from gas spills and leaking gas tanks.

Affordable broadband, reliable electric power, and great quality of life: those are the three cornerstones of modern economic development. Is your community making those a priority?

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