Mythbusters crack technology with copy machine and spit

The popular TV show Mythbusters tackled the challenge of cracking locks that use fingerprint scanning technology, and quickly discovered three easy ways to fool a fingerprint scanner. One them involved nothing more than a copy machine and warm spit.

Regrettably, some hardware vendors do better on the marketing and sales side than on the product side, and buyers have to beware. This is much like the Diebold voting machine scandal, where supposedly "high security" voting machines can be easily tampered with right inside the voting booth to change votes invisibly. The irony in both situations is that long established mechanical technology (mechanical locks have been around for at least two thousand years, and mechanical voting machines have decades of use) is probably more resistant to tampering than the newer, more expensive, and more maintenance and failure prone electronic devices. Adding a microchip and an display screen to a device does not automatically make it better, and as we have seen with these locks and voting machines, adding electronics can make things worse....much worse.

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