If you have been thinking about attending the Rural Telecommunications Congress 8th Annual Conference, Friday is the last day to save $100 on early bird registration. If you are a vendor, it is a great place to meet the representatives of community and regional broadband projects from around the country. If your community is interested in broadband, it's a great place to hear about what has worked and worked well.
For the past eight years, RuralTeleCon – the annual conference of the Rural Telecommunications Congress – has been the premier venue for understanding the issues surrounding the deployment and use of advanced telecommunications in rural communities. Each year, the event focuses on a critical issue facing rural communities and rural residents as they use telecommunications for community and economic development. This year’s theme is “Putting Broadband to Work.”
Dane A. Deutsch, President and CEO, and Pete Adams, COO, DCS Netlink – Meet “Bobby Blackhat” and learn why we need to take Internet security seriously today and tomorrow.
Plus more Speakers and Panels including experts on telehealth, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, education, e-government, deploying and maximizing the broadband infrastructure, and economic and community development, all focusing on rural issues.
For more info and to register visit www.ruraltelecon.org.
For Sponsor and Exhibitor opportunities, contact: coordinator@ruraltelecon.org