Intel Macs may run Windows apps without Windows

Geeks playing with a prerelease version of OS X for Intel report that they have been able to easily install an open source Windows emulation library that then allows them to run common Windows applications--without having Windows installed.

Could this have been Apple's game plan from the beginning?

Imagine you could buy a Mac Mini for $499 that not only runs a virtually virus-proof, easy to use operating system (OS X) but also runs all your favorite Windows applications that are not available for the Mac.

Wouldn't that be the best of all possible worlds? Freedom from viruses, an end to DLL conflicts, no more reformatting your hard drive to solve minor problems, and the ability to run virtually any program you like.

Sounds good to me. Happy Thanksgiving. Turn off the computer tomorrow, skip the Internet, and spend time with family and friends. In the long term, it is our relationships with other people that really matters. The technology will always be around. Our friends and family are far more precious and far more transient. Tomorrow, let's all take care of each other, and make time to care of someone who may need, for a day, some extra "family."

All my best,

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