Do we really want faster horses?

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." --Henry Ford

Communities interested in broadband almost automatically decide that the first step is to ask residents what they want. But Henry Ford's comment from decades ago still rings true. If you are trying to prepare your community for the future, you need to remember that not everyone thinks much about it (the future).

Broadband surveys still routinely show that half of dial up Internet users don't see any need for broadband, and I have sat in more than one meeting where one or more public officials have used such data to "prove" that a community investment in broadband is wrongheaded.

Surveys, done properly, can provide useful data, but they survey needs to be designed well and administered by a professional polling firm. Just mailing out surveys to the Chamber members and asking them what they want may not help, and it may hinder the effort.

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