This recent article from USA Today says that cord cutting is accelerating.
Customers are looking at the incredible variety of content available from OTT (Over The Top) services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, and deciding that they can save money by just paying for Internet and a few OTT subscriptions.
Our internal calculation suggest that this approach can shave between $35 and $55 per month off your telecom bill. The range can be highly variable because it depends on the kind of cable/satellite TV package you have. Customers with several premium services (e.g HBO, Starz) may save more.
We've been surveying tens of thousands of Internet users for the past several years, and the most common complaint is that their cable TV service does not support business class needs like videoconferencing and corporate VPN access. As the way people access content and services, fiber connections can deliver both the bandwidth and the symmetric connectivity (equal upload and download speeds needed for business).