Where is my electric car?

Segway, the company that makes the two wheel electric scooter, has a new loan program so that you can purchase a Segway just like a car, with a loan. It turns out very few people want to pay $5000 in cash for one.

With the rist in fuel prices, these kinds of lower cost transportation devices are looking more attractive, but the Segway and similar electric scooters of more conventional design are not really practical for business people, who don't want to arrive at work windswept, with clothes askew, and even wet from riding something with no protection from wind and rain.

What we need is a street legal, slightly faster, weather resistant version of a golf cart. For many people who commute under ten miles to work or to shop, it would be just fine. In Blacksburg, most of my in town trips are under two miles. It's crazy to be driving a 3000 pound automobile capable of driving long distances at 80 mph just to go pick up milk and a loaf of bread. These would not replace cars, they would complement them. Most households should have a third vehicle--all electric, limited range, and cheap.

The Prius and other hybrids are not really practical, as they try to replace combustion powered vehicles but do so poorly, and at great expense. For much less than the cost of a replacement Prius battery (about $10,000), we ought to be able to buy something that is designed just for all those short trips.

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