Good news: Planet Nibiru is not going to destroy the earth in 2012

In case you have been worrying about Planet Nibiru swinging too close to earth and destroying the planet in 2012 (just two years away!), the good folks at NASA have a handy FAQ on the whole 2012/Nibiru/doomsday thing. In case you have been living off the grid and only just yesterday got an Internet connection, the new movie "2012" posits that the mysterious planet Nibiru makes its every 3600 year swing near earth and just about wrecks the planet. The movie trailers look like the whole film is just a pretty flimsy excuse for two hours of computer-generated disasters, but apparently some folks are writing to NASA asking how to prepare for the coming apocalypse. Hence the handy FAQ to try to quell the hysteria. Note that the end of the world was predicted on May 5, 2000 when a major planetary alignment was supposed to rip Earth to shreds. And apparently, according to NASA, Nibiru was supposed to do that in 2003, but it never happened, so it's now scheduled for 2012.

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